Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An introduction from one of our Volcano Challengers!

Pumped for this the fact that one volcano on our list only just erupted in 2008... not concerning in the least bit!

While most of you are training to climb up to great heights, I'll be working on strategies to get down the mountain as fast as possible... ;)

So I'm from Canada, as my photo depicts. This in itself presents many challenges. I usually just waddle around in my wolf-skinned parka all day/night long... although I have heard of this "shorts-by-day/pants-by-night" phenomenon... so don't think I won't be prepared! I'm starting my training light...just with some casual drop and rolls...nothing too strenuous...

I've been wanting to get involved with GVI for a while now and this trip has everything you could ask for - adventure, pushing your limits and, more importantly, its all for an exceptional cause. The numbness in our lower limbs at the end of the week will all be worth it when we see the projects that are set up for the kids and community. This is what we are climbing for. This is what you should support if you can! Thank you! Visit the link:

